Friday 30 June 2006

In-ter-dependence day is tommorrow - and then what?

Tomorrow, a few days in advance of Independence Day in the US, an event is being held in London to mark 'Interdependence Day', complete with their own Declaration of Interpendence. In an article about this project, an initiative of the Open University and the New Economics Foundation, Joe Smith writes
'Both globalisation and global environmental change invite us to extent greatly our notion of who counts in politics. For the drafters of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 the drastic revision of political sovereignty they proposed seemed natural: the time had come for change wherein governments would be "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". In our own era, we have arrived at a time that demands change on a similar scale.' ... 'we can dare to rethink the way the world works, but that this will require sustained effort in both intellectual and cultural spheres. .... None of us, and no one alive, can afford to be too shy in asserting that another world is necessary as well as possible. '

All power to the elbows of this initiative. More information about the Interdependence day initiative... here.